Posted: Apr 24 2022
by: Paula Dyason

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Some more on planting tips for your new hemerocallis


How to plant your new hemerocallis:

Your hemerocallis will have been shipped bare root with some trimming of the foliage to limit moisture loss. They will have been washed of soil and/or compost and dried prior to packing. We prepare your plants one day and dispatch the next, arriving to you within 24 hours so that they do not overly dry out. After arriving to you they may need a good drink, especially in hot weather. This is best accomplished by soaking the roots in a container of water for about 1 hour. Some foliage may also appear yellow. This is nothing to be alarmed about and the plant will re-establish its foliage soon by sending up fresh, new growth. You can cut the yellowed foliage back if you wish.


Size of your new hemerocallis:

Please be aware that there can be extreme differences in the size of hemerocallis fans and roots between cultivars. Some have fine, delicate foliage with small roots. Others have very large fans with chunky, tuberous roots. These differences are normal but be rest assured that we always supply the very best specimens that we have available.


When to plant:

Newly purchased bareroot daylilies should be planted as soon as is reasonable. They can be temporarily potted up until they can be planted in their ultimate location.


Where to plant:

Although daylilies can grow in slight shade, for best performance they should be planted in full sun.


How to plant:

Work soil approximately one foot below ground level and improve your soil by incorporating compost if needed. Dig a hole about one foot deep and a bit wider than the roots of the plant when they are spread out. Fashion a cone of soil with the top of the cone just slightly below ground level (I use a pot turned upside down in the planting hole). Wet the roots if you have not previously soaked them and add mycorrhizal fungi if you wish. Place the plant over the cone of soil spreading the roots over the cone. Cover with more soil by working in and around the roots. The crown of the plant should be planted no more than ½ to 1 inch below the soil surface. Firm the soil and water in well.


How to water:

Keep slightly but evenly moist during the first year. After that 1 inch of rain or water a week should be sufficient in most so soils.


How to fertilize:

Daylilies are low to medium feeders and often do not need anything added. We always recommend soil testing to determine if you need to supplement your soil. It is important to remember that good gardening relies on using the lowest feasible amounts of manure, fertiliser, fungicides, and cultivation. You can use mycorrhizal fungi which will allow your hemerocallis to obtain the necessary nutrients already present from your soil without incorporating more.

If planting in compost we recommend a balanced fertilizer at the appropriate interval or a time-released fertilizer.