Posted: May 05 2022
by: Paula Dyason

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To everything there is a season ...

When di hemerocallis bloom?
All hemerocallis are summer bloomers but different hemerocallis varieties begin flowering at different times of the summer. This can vary significantly from one area of the country to another and from one year to the next in one location dependent on weather so it is difficult to place a month on the time a particular cultivar will begin bloom. We classify ours from early to late according to the Hemerocallis Society official statistics which refer to the cultivar's initial bloom in the summer. Additionally many hybrids are re-bloomers which send up scapes at some point after the initial bloom. 


What time do hemerocallis bloom in the UK?

Early- Early summer usually begins June
Early mid - usually begins July
Mid- Middle of summer - usually begins mid July
Late-mid - usually begins August
Late - Late summer- begins September on